Hide Any Files Without Installing Any Software

Hi guys,
                  People download unnecessary apps to hide their file. Which is wasteful to their time(kidding😁) as well as phone memmory too.

  For that purpose now i introduce a new technique where you can hide file without installing any additional apps.

  Truely no additional apps required. All we need is our file manager or my file app which is already installed.


1. Go to your 'file manager' app

2. Go to the path where the file you want to hide is located

3. Hold the file and rename
     When renaming remove its extention


Now its hide from gallery.

If you want to hide from file manager follow below steps

1.  Go to settings of file manager and check 'show hidden files'.

2. Then you can see many new folder is arising. The name of folder usually start with .(dot).

3. Move the renamed file to any hidden folder.

4. Finally uncheck the 'show hidden file'


    Now your file is hidden from both gallery and file manager.


  1. In my 'my file' app. I cannot rename its extension. Please help me

    1. Thanks for your comment. Please inspect your version of your OS. If it is too old you need to download a file manager app from play store. I suggest to download 'ES file explorer' app. You can download any file manager app.

    2. Thanks brother it really works. Its better to follow this method instead of installing additional apps to hide files.


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